Jewish Obituaries in Argentina

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Jewish Obituaries for day 06/11/2011

These are the Jewish obituaries for day 06/11/2011 published in the argentinean newspaper "LA NACION".
They are listed in spanish, as they are originally published. Below each Jewish obituary you will find an english autotranslation provided by google.


CHAMA, Sofía , falleció el 9-10- 2011. - Su hija Ana Tebele, su yerno Coqui Darwiche; sus nietos Claudia, Adrián, Mariza y sus bisnietos invitan a un rezo, el lunes 7-11, a las 18.45, Templo Agudath Dodim, Avellaneda 2874, Capital Federal.
CHAMA, Sophia, died 9-10 - 2011. - His daughter Ana Tebel, Darwiche Coqui his son, his grandchildren Claudia, Adrian, Mariza and their grandchildren are invited to a prayer, on Monday 7-11, at 18.45, Temple Agudath Dodim, Avellaneda 2874, Federal Capital.

CHORNIK, Leonardo, Ing. , falleció el 4-11-2011. - La Cámara Argentina de Carnes de Caza participa su fallecimiento y acompaña a su familia en el dolor.
CHORNIK, Leonardo, Eng, died on 11.04.2011. - The House of Game Meat Argentina participates accompanies his death and his family in pain.

GARFUNKEL, Clara Kessler de , Z.L., falleció el 20-9-2011. - Sus hijas, yerno y nietos invitan a la ceremonia de schloishim a realizarse hoy, a las 11, en el cementerio de La Tablada, parte vieja.
Garfunkel, Clara Kessler, ZL, died on 20.09.2011. - Her daughters, son and grandchildren invite schloishim ceremony to be held today at 11, in the cemetery of La Tablada, old part.

GROSBERG Vda. de SCHAMIR, Paulina , Z.L., falleció el 4-11- 2011. - Cecilia Patapovas acompaña con todo cariño a Silvio y toda su familia en este triste momento.
Grosberg Vda. Schama, Paulina, ZL, died 4-11 - 2011. - Cecilia Patapovas accompanied with all my love to Silvio and his family at this sad time.

NAKKACHE, Olga Saban de , q.e.p.d., falleció el 6-11-2010. - Su hija Mirta, Edi, sus nietas Flor, Moira y July y bisnietos la recuerdan cada día con amor.
NAKKACHE, Olga Saban, RIP, died on 11.06.2010. - Your daughter Mirta, Edi, his granddaughters Flower, Moira and July and great-grandchildren remember her every day with love.

NAKKACHE, Emilia , q.e.p.d., falleció el 6-11-2010. - Al cumplirse un año de tu fallecimiento, tus hijas, yernos, nietos y bisnietos te recuerdan con mucho amor.
NAKKACHE, Emilia, RIP, died on 06.11.2010. - One year after your death, your daughters, sons, grandchildren and great-grandchildren remember you with love.

NINO, Regina Alaluf de , Z.L., falleció el 5-11-2011. - Gracias abuela por darnos y enseñarnos tanto. Gonzalo, Carolina y Mirella.
NINO, Regina Alaluf of, ZL, died on 05.11.2011. - Thanks for giving us and teach grandmother so much. Gonzalo, Carolina and Mirella.

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