Jewish Obituaries in Argentina

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Jewish Obituaries for day 18/11/2011

These are the Jewish obituaries for day 18/11/2011 published in the argentinean newspaper "LA NACION".
They are listed in spanish, as they are originally published. Below each Jewish obituary you will find an english autotranslation provided by google.


BESSER, Mabel . - Las familias Chouela y Bejar acompañan a Jorge en este triste momento.
BESSER, Mabel. - Families and Bejar Chouela accompany George in this sad time.

BESSER, Mabel , falleció el 16- 11-2011. - Jorge, Cristina, Omar, Nuria, Santiago, Lorena, Lucía, Ezequiel y Margarita te despedimos con amor, te amaremos y llevaremos siempre en nuestro corazón.
BESSER, Mabel, died 16 - 11-2011. - George, Cristina, Omar, Nuria, Santiago, Lorraine, Lucy, Ezekiel and Margaret will leave you with love, you will love and take forever in our hearts.

BESSER, Mabel , q.e.p.d. - Marilyn y Eduardo Sorlino acompañan a su querido amigo Jorge y familia en tan doloroso momento.
BESSER, Mabel, q.e.p.d. - Marilyn and Edward Sorlin accompany his dear friend George and family in such a painful time.

BESSER, Mabel , q.e.p.d., falleció el 17-11-2011. - El personal directivo y empleados de Magel S.A. participan con hondo pesar su fallecimiento.
BESSER, Mabel, RIP, died on 11/17/2011. - The management and employees of Magel Inc. Although deeply involved with his death.

BESSER, Mabel , q.e.p.d., falleció el 17-11-2011. - Leonardo Braver y familia acompañan a Jorge Besser y familia en este dificil momento.
BESSER, Mabel, RIP, died on 11/17/2011. - Leonardo Braver and family accompany George Besser and family at this difficult time.

BESSER, Mabel , q.e.p.d., falleció el 17-11-2011. - Malisa y Jorge Braver, hijos y nietos acompañan a la familia Besser en este triste y doloroso momento.
BESSER, Mabel, RIP, died on 11/17/2011. - Malisa and Jorge Braver, children and grandchildren to join the family at this sad Besser and painful time.

BESSER, Mabel , Z.L. - Ricardo y Celina Daugherty acompañan con mucho cariño a Jorge y familia y la despiden, rogando oraciones en su querida memoria.
BESSER, Mabel, Z.L. - Richard and Celina Daugherty lovingly accompany George and family and say goodbye, begging his beloved prayers in memory.

BESSER, Mabel , Z.L., falleció el 16-11-2011. - La comisión directiva de Cooperala lamenta su fallecimiento y acompaña a su hermano Jorge y demás familiares en este triste momento.
BESSER, Mabel, Z.L., died on 11/16/2011. - The board of COOPERALA regrets his death and joins his brother George and other family at this sad time.

MANDELBAUM, Bernardo , Z.L., falleció el 17-10-2011. - Su esposa Irene y sus hijos Andrea y Silvio invitan a la ceremonia de schloishim a realizarse, el domingo 20, a las 10, en el cementerio Israelita Dr. Herzl, Lomas de Zamora.
Mandelbaum, Bernard, ZL, died on 17.10.2011. - His wife Irene and their children Andrea and Silvio invite schloishim ceremony to be held on Sunday 20, at 10, in the Jewish cemetery, Dr. Herzl, Lomas de Zamora.

POCZTER, Alberto , Z.L., falleció el 20-10-2011. - Su familia invita a la ceremonia de schloishim, el domingo 20, a las 10.30, en el cementerio de Tablada, hall central, parte nueva.
Poczta, Alberto, ZL, died on 20.10.2011. - His family invites schloishim ceremony on Sunday 20 at 10.30 am in the cemetery of Tablada, central hall, new part.

ZALESKI, Samuel (Bernardo) , Z.L., falleció el 11-9-2011. - Su familia invita a la inauguración del monumento a su querida memoria que se realizará el domingo 20-11-2011, a las 10, en el cementerio de La Tablada, parte nueva.
ZALESKI, Samuel (Bernardo), ZL, died on 11/09/2011. - His family invited to the inauguration of monument to his memory dear to be held on Sunday 20/11/2011, at 10, in the cemetery of La Tablada, part new.

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