Jewish Obituaries in Argentina

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Jewish Obituaries for day 19/11/2011

These are the Jewish obituaries for day 19/11/2011 published in the argentinean newspaper "LA NACION".
They are listed in spanish, as they are originally published. Below each Jewish obituary you will find an english autotranslation provided by google.


BESSER, Mabel . - Los integrantes del estudio Turjanski, Sartori y Asociados acompañan a Jorge y Omar con mucho afecto.
BESSER, Mabel. - The members of the study Turjanski, Sartori & Associates and Jorge Omar accompany with great affection.

BESSER, Mabel . - Rut y Jorge Turjanski, Nadina y Jorge Badgen acompañan a Jorge, Omar y Nuria con mucho cariño.
BESSER, Mabel. - Ruth and Jorge Turjanski, Nadina and accompanying Badge Jorge Jorge, Omar and Nuria fondly.

BESSER, Mabel , q.e.p.d. - Disprofarma S.A. acompaña a su hermano Jorge y familiares en este triste momento.
BESSER, Mabel, q.e.p.d. - Disprofarma Inc. accompanies his brother George and family at this sad time.

BESSER, Mabel , Z.L. - Acompañamos a Jorge, Omar y Nuria en este doloroso momento. Estudio y Escribanía Jait.
BESSER, Mabel, Z.L. - Accompany Jorge, Omar and Nuria at this painful time. Study and Writing Jait.

BESSER, Mabel , Z.L. - Acompañamos a Jorge, Omar y Nuria en este doloroso momento. Aldo, Chiquita, Javier, Julián Jait y familia.
BESSER, Mabel, Z.L. - Accompany Jorge, Omar and Nuria at this painful time. Aldo, Chiquita, Javier Julian Jait and family.

BESSER, Mabel , Z.L., 16-11-2011. Los integrantes de Galcom S.A. acompañan a sus familiares y a su hermano Jorge Besser en este momento de dolor.
BESSER, Mabel, Z.L., 16/11/2011. The members of SA GALCOM accompanying family members and his brother George Besser at this time of sorrow.

SPETT, Enrique . - Su familia invita al iortzait mañana, a las 10.30, en la Tablada, parte vieja.
Spett, Enrique. - His family invites the yahrzeit morning, at 10.30, in the table, some old.

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