ZVIN Jewish Genealogy

Immigration records in Argentina for Jewish Surname ZVIN

Tips for decoding the meaning of Jewish Surnames:

ZVIN Immigration Records
These are the ship passenger arrival records at the Port of Buenos Aires (Argentina) found for surname ZVIN.

Finding Families
Families can be identified by records that show the same date of arrival and the same ship, being able to establish the parentage by marital status and age of each person. You can identify those Jewish immigrants whose religion is listed as "Judía", "Israelita", "Mosaica" or "Hebrea".

Arrival Dates
These search correspond to dates between 1882 and 1950. Try "View More" to see the next page of records.

A "C" in marital status corresponds to "Married".


Immigration records for surname ZVIN were not found.

Vital Records of Argentina

Get information about the branches of your family that has emigrated to Argentina. You can have it obtaining birth, marriage or death records from Buenos Aires archives (charged service).


Burial Records

Try to search here for burial records for surname ZVIN. You will find records of the Buenos Aires Jewish cemeteries.


© Hebrew Surnames 2020