Jewish Obituaries in Argentina

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Jewish Obituaries for day 04/11/2011

These are the Jewish obituaries for day 04/11/2011 published in the argentinean newspaper "LA NACION".
They are listed in spanish, as they are originally published. Below each Jewish obituary you will find an english autotranslation provided by google.


GARFUNKEL, Clara Kessler de , Z.L., falleció el 20-9-2011. - Sus hijas, yerno y nietos invitan a la ceremonia de schloishim, a realizarse el domingo 6, a las 11, en el cementerio de La Tablada, parte vieja.
GARFUNKEL, Clara Kessler, ZL, died on 20.09.2011. - Her daughters, son and grandchildren invite schloishim ceremony to be held on Sunday 6, at 11, in the cemetery of La Tablada, old section.

INI, Jorge M. , falleció el 4-11-88. Lo recuerdan siempre con amor. Su esposa Chola, hijos, nueras, nietos y bisnietos.
INI, Jorge M. , Died on 4/11/88. Always remember him with love. Chola His wife, sons, daughters, grandchildren and great grandchildren.

KACEF, José , Z.L., falleció el 2- 11-2011. - Tu querido hermano Emilio Kacew y familia acompañan a Clarita y sus hijos con profundo dolor.
Kacef, Joseph, Z.L., died 2 - 11-2011. - Your dear brother Emilio and family accompany Kacew Clarita and their children with deep sorrow.

KIRCHUK, Adolfo , Z.L., falleció el 4-11-93. - Te recordamos con muchísimo amor. Tu esposa Chela; tus hijos Carli, Dudi y Copy, nuera y nietos.
KIRCHUK, Adolfo, Z.L., died on 4/11/93. - I remember with great love. Your wife Chela, your children Carli, Dudi and Copy, daughter and grandchildren.

TOKER, Eliahu , Z.L., falleció el 3-11-2010. - Su esposa, hijos y nietos invitan al schloishim a realizarse el domingo 6, a las 11, en el cementerio Tablada, parte vieja, reunión en hall central.
Toker, Eliahu, ZL, died on 11.03.2010. - His wife, children and grandchildren invite schloishim to be held on Sunday 6, at 11, in the cemetery boards, and some old central hall meeting.

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